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Make a Payment to MTFJC

For logged in members, please ensure that you have a  payment method established on your MTFJC member account. Use the provided box to enter additional payment detail.  Be sure to select the "payment" using the radio button provided on the form.

If you are submitting payment by check, please make the check payable to Mount Freedom Jewish Center, and mail it to the office at: 

Mount Freedom Jewish Center, PO Box 202, Mount Freedom, NJ 07970



Make a Donation to MTFJC

There are many types of meaningful and impactful donation and dedication opportunities available for you.  These include: Yizkor Donations, Tribute Donations, Prayer Book Donations (Machzor/Siddur: $36, Chumash: $54), Tree of Life Donations (Tree of Life Leaf: $180, Tree of Life Stone: $1000), Sanctuary Memorial Plaque Donations ($400), Purim Shalach Manot Baskets (Send baskets to all: $360 or $5 per specified family), Chayei Olam ( see the description below),  Kiddush Sponsorship Donations ($54), Bereavement and Consoling the Mourners Donations, The Rabbi directed "Good Deeds" Donations (the Relief Fund), the Rabbi's Honorarium is for the personal benefit of the Rabbi and several others.  You may select from the drop-down menu, donations or dedications of particular meaning to you, on the general donations page. 

Note that the general donation form allows you to specify a tribute and person to notify.  Use the member directory to determine the member email or physical mail address or identify MTFJC's office email ( to have us route the tribute notification appropriately.  Specialized donation or dedication submission pages requiring additional information are accommodated in specialized forms.

Yizkor Donations

Yizkor is a memorial prayer recited four times a year: on Yom Kippur, Shmini Atzeret, the last day of Passover and the 2nd day of Shavuot. It is a solemn and meaningful prayer, commemorating the lives of a beloved member of the family. Our tradition teaches us that family members who are no longer in this world still maintain a powerful spiritual connection to the living, and that the goodness and mitzvoth we do on behalf of our loved ones can bring can bring them eternal benefit.

The word Yizkor means “to remember”. For us, remembering is not only a matter of thought, but also of deed; we take action to benefit others in the merit of our loved one. In fact, within the text of the Yizkor prayer we pledge to give charity in the merit of the deceased. By donating to Mt Freedom Jewish Center in honor of Yizkor, you bring great benefit to both the living and the departed.

Yahrzeit Sanctuary Memorial Plaques

Dedicate a Yahrzeit Sanctuary Memorial Plaque

Israel Action Donations

Make a Israel Action Donation

A growing list of Israel Donation options are available including the Givati IDF brigade.

Givati - Thank You Video



Chayei Olam

MFJC is pleased to have been selected for the first cohort of the Create a Jewish Legacy program, a partnership of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, which assists Jewish communities across North America in promoting legacy giving. We remain one of the more modest groups in CJL but have done an amazing job in securing 50 gifts, making our nearly 100 year old institution proud.

MFJC’s Chayei Olam Circle, was created to allow our synagogue to grow from strength to strength in years ahead, to supplement the funds that future members will be able to donate, in order to assure our beloved Mount Freedom Jewish Center remains vibrant and relevant for generations to come.

We are grateful to the following individuals who have made Legacy gifts to our Chayei Olam Circle:

Six Anonymous Donors; Virginia Baker; Aliza & Yair Bendory; Lillie Brandt; Ron Brandt; Linda Cahn, Hezy & Janet Cohen, Steven & Elyse Dickman, Rabbi Menashe & Donna East; Ilana Fishbein (z”l); Paul Fishbein; Craig Granowitz, Leah Gruss, Mike & Lisa Gutkin, Jackie Holubka; Rita Karmiol, Howie & Roz Krosser, David Leibowitz, Steve & Beena Levy; Israel & Gloria Lieberman; Gilbert Mayor, Lisa Monday; Ira & Esti Monka, Mark & Martha Moritz, Sharon & Craig Nessel; Steve & Faye Okun; David & Judi Paris; David & Danielle Podell, Charles & Sherry Pollack; Jamie Ramsfelder; Jonathan Ramsfelder; David & Meryl Rehaut; Richard Rosenberg, Gregg & Gerri Russo, Helen S. Schwartz; Steven Schwartz; Lewis Schwarz; Audrey Silverberg, Fred Silverberg, Joel Spielman, Larry Weinstein, Cookie Wertheimer; Morty Wertheimer; Beverly Zagofsky; Michael Zeiger; & Rochelle Zeiger

There are many ways for members to fund bequests to our shul including insurance policies, IRA’s and more. We encourage all members to learn more about this and to join us in our endeavor. For more information please contact Dr. Steven Schwartz (, chair of the Chayei Olam Circle, or any member of our esteemed committee or our Rabbi, Menashe East (


Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785