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Learning @MTFJC - Torah FYT

Torah For Your Table...

TORAH FYT [For Your Table]- Our Parsha Study Series devoted to Rabbi Sacks' legacy will examine commentary of the weekly Parsha as addressed in his books: Covenant and Conversation, Lessons in Leadership, Studies in Spirituality, Essays on Ethics, I Believe  and Judaism's Life Changing Ideas.

This peer-Led group meets on Zoom, Thursdays 10AM.  We invite you to join us.



Visit YCT

YCT seeks to create a spiritually vibrant and intellectually open
Orthodox community whose Torah radiates outwards to help transform the entire Jewish world.

YCT's mission is to train rabbis, educators, and leaders who embody this vision in their teaching of Torah, their spiritual support of individuals, and their building of diverse and welcoming communities; and to deepen and disseminate a Torah and halakha that gives life to this vision and enables it to thrive.


Heschel References

VisitRecent YCT Programon Heschel "A Modern Prophet" for insights related to Rabbi A J Heshel and those he mentored and his activities in solidarity with Dr. Martin Luther King.


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With Kedoshim, the laws of holiness broaden out from the world of the Sanctuary and Priests to that of the Israelites as a whole, as they are gathered together and commanded to be holy because “I, the Lord your God, am holy.”

The opening chapter contains the famous “holiness code” with its commands to love the neighbour and the stranger, as well as other laws more ritual in character. The second half of the parsha deals with forbidden sexual relations and other prohibited pagan practices. (R Sacks)


Rabbi Sacks (Kedoshim)


R Soloveichik (Kedoshim) Core Jewish Values in Modern Times


Chabad (Kedoshim)

The name of the Parshah, “Kedoshim,” means “holy [ones]” and it is found in Leviticus 19:2.

The Parshah of Kedoshim begins with the statement: “You shall be holy, for I, the L‑rd your G‑d, am holy.” This is followed by dozens of mitzvot (divine commandments) through which the Jew sanctifies him- or herself and relates to the holiness of G‑d.

These include: the prohibition against idolatry, the mitzvah of charity, the principle of equality before the lawShabbatsexual moralityhonesty in businesshonor and awe of one’s parents, and the sacredness of life.

Also in Kedoshim is the dictum which the great sage Rabbi Akiva called a cardinal principle of Torah, and of which Hillel said, This is the entire Torah, the rest is commentary—“Love your fellow as yourself.”

Learn: Kedoshim in Depth
Browse: Kedoshim Parshah Columnists
Prep: Devar Torah Q&A for Kedoshim
Read: Haftarah in a Nutshell
Play: Kedoshim Parshah Quiz


Naso (Sefaria link)


Parshat Naso

Continuing the preparations for the Israelites’ journey from Sinai to the Holy Land, Naso contains a melange of subjects whose inner connection is not immediately obvious: the roles of two of the Levitical clans, Gershon and Merari, the census of the Levites as a group, rules about the purity of the camp, the law of the sota (the woman suspected of adultery), the Nazirite, and the priestly blessing.

The parsha concludes with a lengthy and repetitive account of the offerings brought by the tribes at the dedication of the Tabernacle.

NASO • 577157775784

The Pursuit of Peace

The parsha of Naso seems, on the face of it, to be a heterogeneous collection of utterly unrelated items. First there is the account of…


NASO • 57765783

The Blessing of Love

At 176 verses, Naso is the longest of the parshiyot. Yet one of its most moving passages, and the one that has had the greatest…


NASO • 577557795782

Sages and Saints

Two Versions of the Moral Life Parshat Naso contains the laws relating to the Nazirite – an individual who undertook to observe special rules of…


NASO • 57745781

The Politics of Envy

Few things in the Torah are more revolutionary than its conception of leadership. Ancient societies were hierarchical. The masses were poor and prone to hunger…


NASO • 5780

The Ethic of Love

I confess to a thrill every time I read these words: Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say…


NASO • 5778

Lifting Heads

The word Naso that gives its name to this week’s parsha is a verb of an extraordinary range of meanings, among them: to lift, to…


NASO • 5773

What Counts?

This week’s sedra begins with a continuation of the census begun in last week’s – the act that gives the entire book its English name:…


Morality & Ethics Broadcasts

NASO • 5772

The Courage to Engage with the World

As mentioned in a previous Covenant and Conversation, there was an ongoing debate between the Sages as to whether the Nazirite – whose laws are…


NASO • 5770

Two Types of Hero

Last year in these studies we noted the well-known difference of opinion among the Sages about the nazirite – the individual who undertook to observe…


NASO • 5769

The Nazirite

Our sedra contains the laws relating to an unusual phenomenon in the religious life: the case of the nazirite, an individual who undertook – by…


NASO • 5768

The Priestly Blessings

In Jerusalem, looking down on Israel’s Parliament, the Knesset, is a magnificent building, the Israel museum. It houses an extraordinary array of exhibits, drawn from…




Rabbi Soloveichik (Naso)





Parshat Chukat

Chukat begins with the law of the Red Heifer, judged by the Sages to be the most incomprehensible in the Torah. It became a classic example of a chok, a “statute,” often understood as a law that has no reason, or at least none we can understand.

The text then shifts from law to narrative. After the death of Miriam the people find themselves without water. They complain to Moses and Aaron, who turn to God. They then respond to the people in a way that seems to suggest anger. They are judged to have acted wrongly, and both are told they will not enter the land. Aaron dies.

The people complain again and are attacked by venomous snakes. Moses, at God’s command, places a brass serpent on a pole, so that all who look up to it will be healed. The people sing a song about a Miraculous well that gave them water. Moses then leads the people into successful battles against Sichon and Og.


CHUKAT • 577157775784

Descartes’ Error

Main Essay: Descartes’ Error In his 2011 bestseller, The Social Animal, New York Times columnist David Brooks writes: We are living in the middle of…


CHUKAT • 57765783

Healing the Trauma of Loss

It took me two years to recover from the death of my father, of blessed memory. To this day, almost twenty years later, I am…


CHUKAT • 57755782

Anger Management

There are some, say the Talmud, who acquire their world in an hour and others who lose it in an hour. No example of the…


CHUKAT • 57745781

Miriam, Moses’ Friend

It is one of the great mysteries of the Torah. Arriving at Kadesh the people find themselves without water. They complain to Moses and Aaron.…


CHUKAT • 5780

Kohelet, Tolstoy, and the Red Heifer

The command of the parah adumah, the Red Heifer, with which our parsha begins, is known as the hardest of the mitzvot to understand. The…


CHUKAT • 57725779

Losing Miriam

It is a scene that still has the power to shock and disturb. The people complain. There is no water. It is an old complaint…


CHUKAT • 5778

The Consolations of Mortality

Chukat is about mortality. In it we read of the death of two of Israel’s three great leaders in the wilderness, Miriam and Aaron, and…


CHUKAT • 5773

Why Was Moses Not Destined To Enter The Land?

It is one of the most perplexing, even disturbing, passages in the Torah. Moses the faithful shepherd, who has led the Israelites for forty years,…


CHUKAT • 5770

The Torah of Conflict Resolution

Amid the epic themes of Chukat – the mysterious ritual of the Red Heifer, the death of Miriam and Aaron, Moses striking the rock –…



 R. Michael on Red HefferChabad "in a nutshell"


Web Link (R Soloveichik - chulat)
chukat R Soloveichik (Word Doc)
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784