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High Holiday Schedule & Forms

High Holiday Selections - Start Here!   ***Please be sure to LOGIN first*** 

You will find the Login button on the top right of this page. Username is your email address. If you have not created a password, please click: Forgot Password

Hard Copy Version of Required Information and Forms

If you are unable to submit the required information above, these links will allow you to print out and fill in hardcopy forms.  Please drop them off at the shul office or mail them for arrival at the shul office well prior to September 17th.

Letter from our President, Lisa Gutkin

5785 High Holiday Schedule - Services & Candle Lighting

MTFJC HH Seating Preference

Kol Nidre Pledge Form

MTFJC Children's & Family Services Sign-up

Lulav & Etrog form

Aliyot Silent Auction

Holiday/New Year's Card

Book of Remembrance

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784