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Holiday Learning

sHoliday Specific Participant Contributed Commentary



Passover / Elijah: 

Below are some resources for Pesach, with material included for events occurring in 2024.

 Please Click Here to Watch Rabbi Menashe's Word of Torah For Pesach 

Seder Suggestions 
Please consider adding these ideas to your Seder in light of situtaion in Israel and throughout the Jewish World

Empty Chair

Digital Download of Kibbutz Beeri Haggadah

Hartman Institute Supplements

Rabbi Weiss on The Seder This Year

YU Seder Supplement 

Table Tent Seder Supplements

YCT Pesach Reader


YU Haggadah Supplement.    YU Haggadah Supplement (PDF)

Here's a link to the YCT Seder Sense 2024 playlist and the YCTthe Seder Sense 2023 playlist on YCT's YouTube channel

And here's a link to the 2024 YCT Passover Reader. Feel free to read online or download for your enjoyment over the holiday.  (www.yctorah.orgYCT Haggadah Supplement 2024

Hartman Institute Supplement 2024In Every Generation (Hartman Institute) Hartman Haggadah Supplement (Download)

Practice and Commemoration of the Hostages

Prayer for Hostages ( Chief Rabbi Lau)

Sefaria has source material from Tanakh and Source Sheets that are contributed by the Safaria community offering insights into Pesach and the Hagaddah:

mjb4 (Comments on Elijah through the ages)

This unity drawing was met with skeptics and supporters

Nusach for Pesach: 

Tisha Ba'Av: Summary of R. Sacks on Tisha Ba'Av (R Michael Epstein)





High Holidays:

Rosh HaShanah & Yom Kippur: 

2024 R. East Comments

Topic: Loneliness (R. East Seminar, 1 Hour Video)   

R. East Written Commentary on Loneliness (Sefaria Reference)  

R. East's commentary begins with an extended quote from Surgeon General Murthy's commentary on the loneliness epidemic.  R. Brous (IKAR) YK's focus is also on the “epidemic of loneliness” and she had a sit-down discussion with SG Murphy which was interesting, and obviously quite relevant.  ( Murthy / R S Brous Loneliness Discussion

R. Shmuly'sCommentary series site with many video presentations from his podcast by guest lecturers.

Hadar - RH: Hadar

Topic: Akeda - ("thetorah" is a rich collection of responsa)

FYT Session:

This week we will be preparing for Rosh HaShannah and also looking at the Torah portions related to Rosh HaShannah. 
Class will take place on Thursday morning, as usual, at 10 am.  
We’ll be using the Shul’s Zoom link, found below: 
If you want to read some wonderful commentaries before class, below are a few selections that might be of interest: 
From Rabbi Soloveichik
From  Rabbi Sacks:
I look forward to studying with you tomorrow. 

A short Summary of the Torah portions for Rosh HaShana, from  


Rosh Hashanah Torah Readings in a Nutshell

Genesis 21:1–34; Genesis 22:1–24

Day 1:

G‑d remembers Sarah, and gives her and Abraham a son, who is named Isaac (Yitzchak), meaning “will laugh”; Abraham is then one hundred years old, and Sarah ninety. Isaac is circumcised at the age of eight days.

Hagar and Ishmael are banished from Abraham’s home and wander in the desert; G‑d hears the cry of the dying lad, and saves his life by showing his mother a well. The Philistine king Abimelech makes a treaty with Abraham at Be’er Sheba.

Day 2:

G‑d commands Abraham to sacrifice his son on Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem. Isaac is bound and placed on the altar, and Abraham raises the knife to slaughter his son. A voice from heaven calls to stop him, saying that it was a test; a ram, caught in the undergrowth by its horns, is offered in Isaac’s place.



First Day RH Torah Reading (R M Epstein)

Rosh Hashannah - Ram's Horn (R M Epstein)


Shuva - Yom Kippur

R A Weiss Variation on Al Het for YK 2024

Yom Kippur (R M Epstein 2024) R M Epstein (Final 2024) D'rosh on YK and Shuva

Succot: (Kohelet)

Kohelet (R. Michael Epstein)

But if you still have time to read or listen to a few commentaries, below are a few from Rabbi Sacks and Rabbi Soloveichik. They are all on Kohelet - Ecclesiastises - which Rabbi East indicated he’d like to discuss..    
Two Rabbi Sacks’ Commentaries, and two Podcasts:
Two Rabbi Soloveichik Podcasts;

R M Epstein




R Dov Linzer / A. Pogrobin Commentary on Hanukkah

For Heaven's Sake Podcast Commentary on Hanukkah.


R Sacks - Purim

“The fate of Haman has been throughout history the fate of individuals and nations: that those who try to destroy the Jewish people end by destroying themselves. Great empires sought to harm the Jewish people... Yet every one of them has disappeared, while our tiny, vulnerable people can still say: ‘Am Yisrael Chai.’”
– Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to share with you resources from Rabbi Sacks ahead of the Fast of Esther and the festival of Purim. They can all be found at

During this challenging time for the people of Israel, and Jews around the world, may we find comfort in the timeless messages of Rabbi Sacks, who reminds us that the people that can know the full darkness of history and yet rejoice, is a people whose spirit no power on earth can ever break.

Wishing you a Purim Sameach,

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy
Purim: The Family Edition
A resource from our Ceremony & Celebration Family Edition series, for intergenerational learning about the festival
Purim and the World's Longest Hatred
A short Thought for the Day, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2002
Lessons from the Story of Purim
A transcript of the speech given by Rabbi Sacks in 2008 during a solidarity visit to Israel
Haman: The First Antisemite
A shiur delivered to Yeshiva University students in 2014.

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy perpetuates the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders.

To support our work, please visit



R M Epstein D'Var


Thu, January 30 2025 1 Shevat 5785