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Hamantashen Bake Sale to Benefit People in Need in Israel

Friday, March 14, 2025 14 Adar 5785

All DayMount Freedom Jewish Center

The Hebrew School and Post B'nai Mitzvah students are teaming up together to raise money for people in need in Israel.  

All of the proceeds will be going to Leket Israel.

Cost = $18 / Box of Homemade Hamantashen

March 11: Hebrew school students and teens will be Making, Baking and Boxing the Hamantashen together

March 13: Purim Carnival Night the Hamantashen will be available for purchase and pick up

March 14: Purim Day the Hamantashen will be available for purchase and pick up

Buy a box of homemade Hamantashen for $18 and help us exceed our goal of raising more than $2,000.

Please contact Vicki at the office with any questions:, 973 895-2100


A quantity of 1 corresponds to one-box of Hamantashen
Please let us know if you can help volunteer.  
Please select the time slots / duties you can support! Thank you for volunteering!
March 13th: Pickup during the Purim Carnival, March 14th: Pickup during Megillah Reading.  Thank you for volunteering!
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Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785