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High Holiday Family Services and Childrens Programming 5785

Family Services

Please indicate how many children and Adults will attend each service: 

Rosh Hashanah Day One and Day Two
RH1: Oct 3, 10:00AM - 11AM, RH2: Oct 4, 10AM - 11AM

Enter Number of Seats
Enter Number of Seats
Enter Number of Seats
Enter Number of Seats

Yom Kippur
YK: October 12, 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Enter Number of Seats
Enter Number of Seats

Children's Programming

Please indicate how many children will attend children's programming and their ages: 

Rosh Hashanah Day One and Day Two
RH1: October 3, 11:00AM - 12:00PM, RH2 October 4, 11AM - 12PM

Enter Number of Children
Enter Ages of Children (One age per child, separated by a comma)
Enter Number of Children
Enter Ages of Children (One age per child, separated by a comma)

Yom Kippur Eve: Child Care Services
YK Eve: October 11, 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Enter Number of Children
Enter Ages of Children (One age per child, separated by a comma)

Yom Kippur
YK: October 12, 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Enter Number of Children
Enter Ages of Children (One age per child, separated by a comma)

Special Accomodation Requests

Please enter special requests or accommodations
Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785